Why Organic?
The term “organic” can only be used on products that are grown and produced without pesticides, and other harmful chemicals. Products that host the USDA Organic Seal are produced under the high standards set forth by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. There is no legal definition of what the term “natural” means. Natural foods can include organic foods, but not all natural foods are organic. Look for products with the USDA Organic seal and you’ll be making the right choice for your health and the environment.
‘Organic’ refers to how food is produced. Organic food is produced by farmers whose production systems avoid the use of synthetically compounded fertilizers, pesticides, growth regulators, and livestock feed additives. Organic farming systems utilize biological methods such as crop rotation, crop residues, animal manures and mechanical cultivation to maintain soil productivity and tilth, to supply plant nutrients, and to control weeds, insects and other pests. All organic foods are required to be certified under an organic certification program. Organic farmers place a greater consideration of the impact of the farming system on the wider environment inclusive of wildlife conservation as well as public health. Organic agricultural practices hold great promise toward remedying the negative effects of global warming. Here’s four examples how: Use of farm-yard manure, green manures, and cover cropping methods keep soils nutrient-rich, improve soil structure, restore organic matter (making for quicker nutrient uptake), maintain and/or increases soil fertility, and increase soil moisture retention all of which enables the farming ecosystem to better self-regulate. The complete exclusion of synthetics in the farming operation (herbicide, pesticide, fertilizer, etc.) eliminates high-maintenance soils and crops, and subsequently lowers levels of CO2 and associated GHGs released into the atmosphere, while simultaneously lowering nitrate leaching rates and removing risks of ground and surface water pollution. With respect to usage of non-renewable energy resources, organic methods of agriculture use far less direct and indirect energy sources (fuel, oil and synthetic chemical applications respectively). Combating resource depletion, organic methods increase the biodiversity of flora and fauna, contribute to integrated pest management efforts (natural pest control), as well as shape aesthetic landscape values.
- Organic food tastes amazing! Organic food tastes better than conventional because it’s not coated with chemical residues from pesticides and fertilizers. Organic food, which often times is synonymous with local food, optimizes time by allowing food to grow at a natural pace in the garden or field. This coupled with a shorter farm to market distance ratio than means fresher food as well.
- Organic food is healthy! Organic food on average contains higher Vitamin C (powerful antioxidant) levels as well as higher levels of calcium, magnesium, iron, and chromium. The bioavailability of nutrients in organic foods is at a greater level than that of conventional.
- Organics are better for the environment! Organic production systems do not allow the use of chemical fertilizers which pollute our rivers and streams. Instead, organic production systems utilize composted manure and leguminous cover crops in rotation with cash crops to naturally feed nitrogen to the soil.
- Organics support communities! For small farmers, organic agriculture has offered an alternative market where organically grown food commands a fair price. Workers on organic farms have reduced exposure to harsh cancer causing chemicals.
- Organic products are free of hidden-costs! While the consumer may pay a premium at the check-out counter for organic products as opposed to conventional products, the consumer pays more for what isn’t in the product: the hidden costs of conventional include the millions of dollars tax payers pay each year for chemicals in drinking water due to pesticide practices in conventional farming.
At Eco Lips, we buy food grade ingredients when possible.